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kaushal1717's github profile

It is the clone of the old Youtube homepage UI made in html and js

Cloud Reminder

ighoshsubho's github profile

A reminder app that reminds you about particular task via mail and phone number.

Juan Diaz Documentation Site

juanPabloDiaz's github profile

My Documentation Site for projects, tech notes, and career advancement


sumitkr2000's github profile

This is a business website where users with the help of lots of unique blocks, can easily build a page without coding and quickly.

Book Recommendation System

Sakhi29's github profile

A book recommendation system using content and collaborative filtering based techniques with good frontend using Flask

Memory color game

mandliyarajendra11's github profile

It tests your memory and concentration skills as you try to follow the pattern of colors and sounds generated by the game.

Google Keep Clone 2.0 - Notes App

abhinav-m22's github profile

An updated version of Google Keep Clone with updated UI and UX. It can add, remove and archive notes and is styled using MaterialUI, css and JSX.

React PWA Starter Template

nc1z's github profile

Opinionated React PWA Starter built with Create-React-App, MUI and Firebase

Sorting Visualizer

ayan-joshi's github profile

The Sorting Visualizer is a basic web application that allows you to visualize the process of sorting on a set of randomly generated bars.

Med.Ez(Medicine management system)

raj3000k's github profile

This project some basic functionality that shop owner can add medicine and see all history for buying products This is a pharmacy management System, it helps the users to ADD, REMOVE and Modify the medicine details